Referral Form

To refer someone to one of our groups or activities, please fill in the form below –

    Please select an activity you're referring for

    Arts for Wellebing

    The information you give us will be used for statistical (anonymised) evaluation purposes, to enable us to contact you and/or the participant if circumstances mean there are changes to session dates or times etc and, if you agree, to contact you about future events we think might be of interest to you. It will also help us consider any specific requirements you or the participant may have.

    Arts from Home

    Art packs will be hand delivered fortnightly by one of our Art leads at GAP. We hope that by meeting us at home, chatting and enjoying the activities in the pack, that the participant could feel able to attend regular sessions in the future.

    We understand every person is different and once we receive the referral, we will work directly with the participant to best meet their needs.

    Participants Profile

    Please enter an address


    Emergency Contact

    Name and contact number of someone we could call for the participant in case of emergency

    GP Contact Details

    Please give us the contact details for the participant's GP

    Helping Us to Help You


    Referral made by


    And lastly...


    Protection of your information

    Only staff at Glossop Arts Project will have access to your information. It will be kept securely and not shared with any other individual or organisation without your permission. Any project reports will use anonymised data only unless you give your permission for a case study.

    Your information will be held only for as long as is necessary for funding or session requirements. It will then be securely destroyed.

    We also want to make sure that your personal information is kept up to date and therefore if your details change please do let us know.

    You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. Please contact us if you wish to receive this.